Sunday 3 February 2013

Sayyidatina Aishah (Radhiyallahu anha) and Fear of Allah

Who does not know about the love that the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had for his dear wife Sayyidatina Aishah (Radhiyallahu anha)? It is said that when he was asked whom he loved most, he replied, "Aishah". She was so well-versed in Islamic jurisprudence that many eminent Sahabah would go to her for solving their problems in this field.
Jibrail used to greet her with 'Assalamo alaikum'. The Prophet once told her that she would be his wife in the Paradise. When she was slandered by the Munafiqin, Allah exonerated her from the slander and confirmed her innocence by revealing verses in the Qur'an. According to Ibn Sa'd (Radhiyallahuanho), Sayyidatina Aishah (Radhiyallahu anha) once enumerated as many as ten special virtues that Allah had given her over the other wives of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam).

In spite of all these privileges and virtues, she feared Allah so much that she was often heard saying; I wish I was a tree, so that I could be always busy in Allah's tasbih and be absolved of reckoning on the Day of Judgment".  "I wish I had been a stone or a clod of earth". "I wish I had been a leaf of tree or a blade of grass".  "I wish I had not been born at all".

From: Hikayatus Sahabah by Sheikh Zakaria Al-Kandahlawi

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