Monday 1 April 2013

Lion Submissive to Sayyidina Abdullaah bin Umar

Sayyidina Abdullaah bin Umar (Ra) was travelling on a journey when he saw a crowd of people standing by the road. "What is the matter with those people?" Sayyidina Abdullaah bin Umar (Ra) enquired.

"There is a lion on the road frightening them," came the reply. SayyidinaAbdullaah bin Umar (Ra) got off his animal, walked up to the lion and held its ears. He then twisted its ears, slapped its nape and moved it off the road. 
Picture for illustration only

Thereafter, he said (to himself), "Rasulullaah (PBUH) did not lie to you. I heard Rasulullaah (PBUH) say: 'Only that which man fears will be given the upper hand over him and if he fears none besides Allah, Allah will not allow anything else to gain the upper hand over him. Man is also handed over to that which he entertains hopes in and if he pins his hopes in none other than Allah, Allah will not hand him over to anyone else."

Friday 8 February 2013

Bahagian Bawah Dagu Wanita Termasuk Aurat Ataupun Tidak?

Ini adalah email pertanyaan melalui

Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis telah menerima pertanyaan hukum dari En abdullah azzam melalui e-mel. Berikut adalah penjelasan hukum yang diberikan dan telah diperakui oleh S.S. Mufti Dr. Juanda bin Jaya.

Adakah dagu wanita termasuk aurat (anggota) yang dilarang memperlihatkannya.. saya ada melihat wanita yang memakai tudung dan menutup dagunya..minta penjelasan wallahua'lam

Dagu wanita tidak termasuk di dalam aurat. Barangkali yang dimaksudkan oleh saudara iaitulah bahagian bawah dagu wanita. Maka jawapannya, bahagian bawah dagu wanita adalah TERMASUK AURAT yang wajib ditutup. Ini kerana bahagian tersebut tidak termasuk dari batas-batas wajah yang boleh dibuka. al-Syirazi berkata: 

والوجه ما بين منابت شعر الرأس إلى الذقن ومنتهى اللحيين طولاً، ومن الأذن إلى الأذن عرضاً
Maksudnya: “Dan wajah itu apa yang ada diantara tempat tumbuh rambut kepala hingga ke dagu dan hujung kedua-dua rahang, secara panjang. Lebarnya pula dari telinga hingga ke telingan satu lagi.” 

Kata al-Nawawi di dalam al-Majmu’ ketika memberi komentar kepada perkataan al-Syirazi ini:
هذا الذي ذكره المصنف في حد الوجه هو الصواب الذي عليه الأصحاب ونص عليه الشافعي رحمه الله في الأم
Maksudnya: “Yang disebut oleh penulis (al-Syirazi) tentang batas wajah, ianya benar seperti pandangan al-Ashab, dan telah dinyatakan perkara ini oleh al-Syafie RH di dalam kitabnya al-Umm.”

Wallahu a’lam. 

Nota: Lihat video Ust Azhar Idrus tentang aurat dagu disini 


Wednesday 6 February 2013

Ain Medicare Sdn Bhd

1.      Introduction

1.1)   Company profile

AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD (AMSB) that was established in 1993 is a trusted name and leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical products, ranging from Large Volume Parenterals, Small Volume Parenterals, Irrigation Solutions, Haemodialysis Concentrates and Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions.
Located in Kelantan, on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, the company operates from a multi-million dollar state-of-the-art pharmaceutical complex. The complex, inaugurated by former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in 1997, is fully equipped with production floor, microbiological and chemical laboratories, warehouse and administrative centre.

Picture 1: Tun Dr Mahathir during AMSB opening ceremony

A wholly-Malaysian owned company, AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD is helmed by the Chairman, Dato' Wan Ariff Bin Wan Hamzah and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Syed Ibrahim Bin Mohd. Ismail. Over the years, this far-sighted leadership and strategic management system has successfully steered the company towards numerous remarkable achievements. Today, AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD's authorized share capital stood at RM 20 million with paid up share capital of RM 20 million.

AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD's products have gained international acceptance and are used by private and public health care sectors as well as non-profit healthcare providers in Malaysia and abroad benefiting millions of people across the globe.

1.2)   Company Vision
To further innovate superior quality healthcare products to the highest standard and to provide outstanding customer services worldwide.

1.3)   Company Mission
AMSB is committed to provide reliable and quality products and services that consistently meet the satisfaction of health professionals and patients, in compliance with regulatory requirements and best practices.

2.      Nature Of CSR Work Done So Fars

With more than 700 work forces, AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD has produced a range of intravenous solution products, both Large Volume Parentals (LVP) as well as Small Volume Parentals (SVP). Intravenous (IV) solution is a medical solution that administrated directly into human blood vein by using syringe instead of normal human digestion system. Since it is directly injected into human blood vein, the IV solution need to be processed properly to avoid blood contamination which will lead to death. Among IV solution that produced by AMSB are:
                   I.            Sodium Chloride
                II.            Dextrose
             III.            Mannitol
             IV.            Potassium Chloride

Picture 2: AMSB’s IV solution products

Besides, AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD also produced Haemodialysis concentrates and Peritoneal dialysis solutions. Haemodialysis is a method that is used to achieve the extracorporeal removal of waste products such as creatinine and urea and free water from the human blood when the kidneys are in a state of renal failure. On the other hand, Peritoneal dialysis is a treatment for patients with severe chronic kidney disease.
Other than that, by modern and sophisticated technologies such as Blow-Fill and Seal (BFS) machine enables AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD to increase its production capacity to more than 20 million bottles of IV solutions annually. BFS machine is an automatic machine that used to produce IV solution product in plastic bottle.

3.      Social/Environment Impacts Of Their Work

AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD is known as ‘the king’ of intravenous solution manufacturer in Malaysia. They supplied the IV solution products to the both government hospitals as well as private hospital in Malaysia. Moreover, AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD also is a supplier for IV solution product for more than 10 countries such as Thailand, Brunei, Philippines, and Sri Lanka.

Picture 3: AMSB product at hospital
4.      Future Plans Of The Company On CRS

Having carved a niche for itself in Malaysia and the region, AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD aims to be a market leader in the international healthcare scene. In order to achieve that, AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD currently are investing more RM 20 million to set up new IV solution’s production line. The investment includes sophisticated machine, building and facilities.

Picture 4: AMSB’s new machine from Germany under testing

5.      Other Relevant Information.

It is not easy to set up a pharmaceutical company since it needs to be certified by regulatory and will have annually inspection. Any pharmaceutical company that doesn’t comply with regulatory, it may end up with license termination. In Malaysia, National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau (NPCB) under Ministry of Health is responsible for pharceutical company certification. AMSB had been certified to current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) by NPCB since 1994.

Other than that, AIN MEDICARE SDN BHD has received other certification from international and local certification organizations such as: 
  1.  Certification of Quality Management System to ISO 9001:2008 by Det Norske Veritas (DNV). 
  2.  Certification of Environmental Management System to ISO 14001:2004 by Det Norske Veritas (DNV). 
  3.  MS ISO/IEC 17025 Certification for Chemical and Microbiological laboratories by the Department of Standards Malaysia.

Source: Compilation from various sources

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Sedekah Sayyidatina 'Aishah r.anha

     Suatu ketika Sayyidatina 'Aishah r.anha telah diberi dua guni yang penuh berisi wang dirham. di dalam guni-guni itu terdapat wang yang berjumlah lebih seratus ribu dirham. Sayyidatina 'Aishah r.anha telah meminta mangkuk. Mangkuk-mangkuk itu telah diisi dengan dirham dan mulalah beliau membahagi-bahagikan wang itu sehingga petang. Kesemua wang itu telah habis dibahagikan sehingga tidak meninggalkan satu dirham pun. Sedangkan pada hari itu beliau sedang berpuasa. Ketika tiba waktu berbuka puasa beliau memberitahu orang suruhannya," bawalah apa-apa untukku berbuka puasa."

     Orang suruhannya telah membawa sepotong roti dan minyak zaitun sambil berkata," bagus sekali jika dapat membeli daging dengan satu dirham kerana kita dapat berbuka puasa dengan daging."

     Beliau berkata," apa faedahnya?Sekarang baru engkau hendak membebel. Sekiranya engkau ingatkan saya terlebih dahulu sudah pasti saya membelikan daging itu." ( Takzkiratul-Huffaz )


     Sayyidatina 'Aishah r.anha biasanya menerima hadiah seumpama itu daripada Sayyidatina Amir Mu' awiyah r.anhu, Sayyidatina 'Abdullah bin Zubair r.anhu dan beberapa orang sahabat yang lain. Oleh kerana zaman itu ialah zaman kemenangan demi kemenangan, rumah-rumah dipenuhi dengan wang emas seumpama biji-bijian. Namun demikian, beliau masih menjalani satu kehidupan yang begitu ringkas dan terlalu sederhana, sehingga beliau sendiri terpaksa diperingatkan mengenai keperluan makanan untuk berbuka puasa. walaupun beliau telah membahagi-bahagikan wang sebanyak seratus ribu dirham tetapi sedikit pun beliau tidak teringat bahawa dirinya sedang berpuasa dan memerlukan wang untuk membeli daging.

     Kisah seumpama ini telah menjadi begitu asing bagi kita pada zaman ini sehingga kebenaran kisah seumpama ini mula diragui oleh orang ramai. Namun, kehidupan yang umum pada zaman itu malah ratusan peristiwa seumpama itu tidak sedikitpun menghairankan bagi mereka yang berpengatahuan tentang sejarah para sahabat r.anhuma. Malah ada banyak kisah tentang Sayyidatina 'Aisyah r.anha sendiri yang hampir sama dengan peristiwa ini.

     Pada suatu hari beliau sedang berpuasa dan tidak ada sesuatu pun di rumah kecuali sepotong roti. Seorang fakir telah datang dan meminta makanan lalu beliau menyuruh orang suruhannya memberikan roti itu kepada orang fakir tersebut. Orang suruhannya berkata," Untuk berbuka nanti tiada apa-apa makanan di rumah."

     Beliau berkat," Apakah salahnya? Berikan kepingan roti tersebut kepadanya." Maka orang suruhannya itu telah memberikan roti itu. ( Muwatto' ) 

     Suatu ketika beliau membunuh seekor ular. Beliau melihat dalam mimpinya ada orang memberitahunya bahawa," Kamu telah membunuh seorang islam."
     Sebagai jawapan Sayyidatina 'Aishah r.anha berkata," Sekiranya dia seorang Islam pasti dia tidak akan masuk ke rumah isteri-isteri Rasulullah SAW."

     Orang tadi menjawab bahawa orang itu masuk dengan memakai hijab. Beliau lantas terjaga daripada tidurnya dan telah menyedekahkan dua belas ribu dirham sebagai tebusan ( diat ) kerana menumpahkan darah seorang Islam.

     Sayyidatina 'Urwah r.anhu berkata," Suatu ketika saya lihat Sayyidatina 'Aishah r.anha bersedekah tujuh puluh ribu dirham sedangkan beliau sendiri memakai pakaian bertampun." ( Tobaqat )

Petikan asal: Hikayatus Sahabah oleh Sheikh Zakaria Kandahlawi

Sunday 3 February 2013

Sayyidatina Aishah (Radhiyallahu anha) and Fear of Allah

Who does not know about the love that the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had for his dear wife Sayyidatina Aishah (Radhiyallahu anha)? It is said that when he was asked whom he loved most, he replied, "Aishah". She was so well-versed in Islamic jurisprudence that many eminent Sahabah would go to her for solving their problems in this field.
Jibrail used to greet her with 'Assalamo alaikum'. The Prophet once told her that she would be his wife in the Paradise. When she was slandered by the Munafiqin, Allah exonerated her from the slander and confirmed her innocence by revealing verses in the Qur'an. According to Ibn Sa'd (Radhiyallahuanho), Sayyidatina Aishah (Radhiyallahu anha) once enumerated as many as ten special virtues that Allah had given her over the other wives of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam).

In spite of all these privileges and virtues, she feared Allah so much that she was often heard saying; I wish I was a tree, so that I could be always busy in Allah's tasbih and be absolved of reckoning on the Day of Judgment".  "I wish I had been a stone or a clod of earth". "I wish I had been a leaf of tree or a blade of grass".  "I wish I had not been born at all".

From: Hikayatus Sahabah by Sheikh Zakaria Al-Kandahlawi