Monday 1 April 2013

Lion Submissive to Sayyidina Abdullaah bin Umar

Sayyidina Abdullaah bin Umar (Ra) was travelling on a journey when he saw a crowd of people standing by the road. "What is the matter with those people?" Sayyidina Abdullaah bin Umar (Ra) enquired.

"There is a lion on the road frightening them," came the reply. SayyidinaAbdullaah bin Umar (Ra) got off his animal, walked up to the lion and held its ears. He then twisted its ears, slapped its nape and moved it off the road. 
Picture for illustration only

Thereafter, he said (to himself), "Rasulullaah (PBUH) did not lie to you. I heard Rasulullaah (PBUH) say: 'Only that which man fears will be given the upper hand over him and if he fears none besides Allah, Allah will not allow anything else to gain the upper hand over him. Man is also handed over to that which he entertains hopes in and if he pins his hopes in none other than Allah, Allah will not hand him over to anyone else."

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